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Love is Blind season 2 and 8 new Netflix movies and shows to watch this week (February 7)

Do you need that Monday spark, other than your first cup of coffee? Well, your weekly Netflix jumpstart is here. Like we do each and every week, below, we share all the new Netflix movies and shows debuting beginning the week of Feb. 7, 2022.

I swear, one day, I will be able to catch up on all the things this streaming giant drops, but the year might be 2069 when I am retired and in an old folk home.

Do we have any Love is Blind fans out there? We have so many reality love shows in the universe and I want to hear from you, is this one I need to check out? But fans of the show can rejoice, as season 2 is dropping this week.

I don’t know what Big Bug is, but after looking at the synopsis and digging deep into the concept, I am definitely intrigued by the film. The film is set in 2045 within the world of artificial intelligence, and four robots take their masters hostage. A blend of sci-fi and comedy, set in the future? I am in.

We have a tall girl, people blindfolded and finding love, and Ms. Pat telling some jokes all dropping this week.

Let’s get to the new Netflix movies and shows to stream this week.

New Netflix movies and shows to watch this week

  • Ms. Pat: Y’all Wanna Hear Something Crazy?, Feb. 8
  • Catching Killers season 2, Feb. 9
  • Disenchantment: Part 4, Feb. 9
  • Love is Blind season 2, Feb. 11
  • Inventing Anna, Feb. 11
  • Love and Leashes, Feb. 11
  • Tall Girl 2, Feb. 11
  • Big Bug, Feb. 11

From our suggestions, what will you be watching on Netflix this week? Or is there one we missed? Are you checking out season two of Catching Killers? Or will you be checking out theTall Girl sequel? Let us know, and let’s hope next week brings us more Netflix additions.

Love is Blind season 2 and 8 new Netflix movies and shows to watch this week (February 7)
Source: Pinoy White Knights

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