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Why fans are ruining movies nowadays

Ever since the release of Robert Zemeckis’ new film and the newest Disney remake Pinocchio, people have not taken kindly to the remake with criticism of how it looked and the cast. When watching the trailer for the film, I noticed how incredible it was and how it seemed to retain the magic, though I had my doubts before it was dropped.

I assumed that motion-capture may ruin the film but it seems that, if they utilized the technique, it may work to its benefit. That didn’t stop the YouTube community from rationing the trailer with more dislikes than likes, as a result.

This hasn’t just happened with the forthcoming Pinocchio film but to many movies that have been around for the height of the internet age, or basically, movies that have been made popular with the plethora and ubiquitousness of social media. Here is why fans have been ruining movies that have actually been pretty great, if not for their interference.

Fans nitpick movies too much

Something that I have noticed while looking at the most anticipated movies of each year, is that before the films are officially released, fans will do their best to rip it apart and pick at anything that they do not approve of in the trailer or find something wrong with it.

Before the internet, many people would see a film for a few bucks or even a quarter and enjoy it or hate it and that would be the end of it. Now that the internet has become a mainstay, people will flood everyone with their opinions with a click of a button.

Oftentimes, YouTube commentators will go to the point of analyzing an entire trailer for some context clues on what fans can expect from the film before they see it. This can be informative, but it often dilutes the purpose of seeing the movie and waters it down to a course study in college that you are bombarded with and inevitably hate by the end of the semester.

Take for example, a fan sees Spider-Man: No Way Home and they read and watch every video updating them on what they should see before the film and an analysis of what might be expected of the film. This might be necessary if fans forgot about what occurred in previous films, but an over complicated thesis and videos on videos and critiques will ruin the experience and the surprise of  the film.

After the film has been released, many fans may express their disdain or love for the film. Of late, the live-action Disney remakes have received a lot of criticism for either being too much like the originals or not enough like the originals. I remember reading reviews from the trailer that claimed the fox and cat looked weird, they didn’t show enough Pinocchio and one person found it unsettling that the fairy godmother didn’t smile in the trailer at all. All of these comments are petty, negligible and prove to truly have nothing to do with the movie itself and just praises the original more, which leads me to my next point.

Fans glorify the originals of movies to the point of excess

Something that I have noticed is that fans will die on a the hill to defend the honor of the original films, where it was the first Disney movies before the remakes, the first Star Wars movies, the Sam Raimi Spider-Man trilogy or anything that came first, it will often be looked at as gold by its fanbase, but why is that the case?

It seems that the only reason people defend these aforementioned movies is because of one thing only: Nostalgia. People grew up with these characters and stories and the thought of them getting revamped seems like a fate worse than death. It’s not necessarily because the sequels, reboots or remakes are bad. It’s because many fans believe that the originals that they grew up with cannot be touched and default to trashing anything that comes after it. This is only narrow-minded thinking because people will be trapped in a state of sluggish stagnancy and will resist any new material that might sound like a bad idea.

Many people say that Hollywood doesn’t make films like they used to anymore but I say that, in many ways, they do, but people’s perceptions of them are what have changed over time.

Instead of rolling their eyes at the idea of a remake that may or may not undermine the original, fans should be more open to the idea of it. It worked for Dune, the Obi-Wan Kenobi series, The Batman, the Rise of the Planet of the Apes reboot, J.J. Abrams Star Trek. I will even be brazen enough to say that it worked for The Amazing Spider-Man series because fans are currently clamoring for Andrew Garfield in a third film.

If you hear about the next remake Disney is working on, don’t be so adverse to the idea. If people enjoyed the film instead of comparing it to the original and see it as just a film for entertainment and not a science project that needs to be diagnosed for a grade, the positive reception will be through the roof and people will learn to love the movies again with a positive attitude and not a sigh of despair in preparation for disappointment.

Why fans are ruining movies nowadays
Source: Pinoy White Knights

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