Chucky on Syfy (and the USA Network) brought back a Child’s Play character fans know very well, Tiffany! If you’re not familiar with the movie franchise, you’re likely wondering who Tiffany is and what does she have to do with the possessed Good Guy Doll.
Spoilers ahead for the TV series! If you’re not caught up, watch the latest episode before reading on.
Episode 5, “Little Little Lies,” didn’t feature too much of our favorite doll. When we last saw Chucky, he wasn’t looking too good. Okay, let’s be honest, he looks terrible. Chucky spent this episode hiding until he found the perfect body to transfer his soul into — another Good Guy Doll, of course!
In the meantime, Jake, Devon, and Lexy, searched for the serial killer before he got the chance to strike again. They found the old doll with the melted face and assumed that was the one they were looking for so they stomped on it until it was destroyed. Unfortunately, that would’ve been too easy! Charles had transferred himself into the new and shiny Good Guy Doll long before.
Who is Tiffany on Chucky?
Tiffany is very important in the franchise. In a series of flashbacks, we get to see how Charles meets Tiffany and how they became inseparable (for a while, anyway). The rest, well, can get as confusing as trying to explain the many plot changes in the Halloween franchise. Chucky and Tiffany even have a kid — twins! It’s a whole thing you just have to see for yourself.
Which Chucky Child’s Play movies is Tiffany in?
To better understand this story, you can either go along with it as you watch the series on Syfy (or the USA Network) as they do a good job explaining things or watch the following movies that feature Tiffany:
- Bride of Chucky (1998)
- Seed of Chucky (2004)
- Curse of Chucky (2013)
- Cult of Chucky (2017)
With the weekend ahead, you have plenty of time to plan a Child’s Play binge-watch session!
Who is Tiffany on Chucky? Which Child’s Play movie is Tiffany in?
Source: Pinoy White Knights