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Hayao Miyazaki steps away from retirement to produce new animated film

Academy award-winning filmmaker Hayao Miyazaki has announced that he is coming out of retirement — again.

Years ago, the Spirited Away creator adamantly stated that he would refrain from producing any more films as he was nearing the age where he would no longer be able to spend an exorbitant amount of time in the animation studio. In addition to the long hours, it was reported that those close to Miyazaki wanted him to spend the rest of his days enjoying life surrounded by his family members that include his beloved grandson who now, conversely, serves as one of the prominent reasons why Miyazaki eventually reversed his decision on retiring.

Why is Hayao Miyazaki coming out of retirement?

As mentioned above, Miyazaki’s grandson, born from his son Goro Miyazaki, is one of the main factors in his decision to return to the world of animation as he desperately wanted to leave his grandson with something to remember him by when he is long gone. To do this, Hayao Miyazaki took the developing Studio Ghibli film, inspired by the 1937 novel titled How Do You Live?, under his wings.

Though the film is still in the works, Goro Miyazaki confirmed that the upcoming title’s duration was extended as his father became more and more entranced by the act of creating.

“He [Hayao] needed to create something in order to live, basically,” Goro expressed, “So he started with making a short film for the [Ghibli] museum, and then he went on to making his new feature-length film.”

Additionally, according to CNet, this film will be a “fantasy on a grand scale”, which could be alluding to this project being more innovative and more extraordinary than anything that the award-winning director has made before.

The film, which doesn’t currently have a release date nor a confirmed name, is said to be about one going on a journey to find the answers to life, death, and the reasoning behind why both of these must happen.

“I am making this movie because I do not have the answer.”, Hayao Miyazaki proclaimed, serving as his second and most profound reason as to why he won’t retire just yet.

Hayao Miyazaki steps away from retirement to produce new animated film
Source: Pinoy White Knights

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