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When is Netflix adding commercials?

From the very start, one of the biggest draws to Netflix has been its ad-free set up. Commercials are so annoying when you’re trying to stream a show and it can be a bit much. That’s why Netflix is like a breath of fresh air.

Well that’s about to change. But don’t worry, it’s not for everyone! For those who wouldn’t mind the ads and would take paying less as an option, then Netflix has a plan for you. The streaming giant is going to be adding commercials for some users if they choose.

This news comes on the heels of a report Netflix released showing that the company has lost 200,000 subscribers in its first quarter. It expects to lose another two million in Quarter 2. One reason for this could be the subscription fee, as the streaming service is on the pricier end compared to other streamers.

When is Netflix adding commercials?

To combat this downward trend, Netflix has decided to try something new. There’s so many streamers out there now, and it’s hard for people to find the money to afford them all. So this could actually be a good move on the company’s part.

According to The Hollywood Reporter, Netflix plans to roll out ads on its platform in the next year or two. The streaming service has stayed away from resorting to this option for years, but now they’re changing their tune. Advertisers like to get their nose into everything, but it might actually work out in this case.

Netflix co-CEO Reed Hastings told the news outlet that when Netflix does launch the ad option, it would do so as a publisher. That means users’ data won’t be tracked and commercials aren’t matched based on your preferences. This makes me feel much better about this option. There’s lots of companies out there who already track our information and it’s unsettling.

If they were forcing this option on all users, I think it would be a problem. But, since this is by choice and consumers will get to decide if they’re ok with the ads and a cheaper price, then I’m all here for it.

What do you think about this move? Do you agree? Let us know your thoughts in the comments!

When is Netflix adding commercials?
Source: Pinoy White Knights

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