The Stranger Things season 4 premiere, “Chapter One: The Hellfire Club,” introduces us to the season’s main players. But, it does so in a way that makes you grow attached to its new characters immediately.
Now, that doesn’t extend to all the new additions. El’s bullies at school deserve whatever may come their way in the rest of the season and they won’t be missed. But characters like Argyle, Eddie, Vicki, and Chrissy are charismatic or endearing enough to want to know more about them.
In Chrissy Cunningham’s case, she’s the sweet girl-next-door cheerleader type. As well as a tad shy and soft spoken. Of course, she has a boyfriend that’s the star player on the basketball team. And, obviously, they’re meant to get engaged right after high school, and he’ll run for office at some point in his life. She and Jason Carver scream picture perfect.
Major spoilers ahead for Stranger Things season 4
So, imagine how surprised we were when Chrissy and Eddie Munson met up in the woods. It was a drug deal gone cute. We’d just spent a portion of the episode with the young cheerleader as she ran from the creature haunting her–Vecna. She has demons she wants to put to rest, and she sees drugs as the only means of doing so. Cue Eddie.
The leader of the Hellfire Club, who may finally graduate this year, is as charismatic as they come. In a bid to make Chrissy more comfortable, and because it’s just in Eddie’s personality to want to goof off a bit, Eddie reminds her that they know one another. She’d watched his band Corroded Coffin play in middle school. Laughing in delight, she clicks on to the memory and the two seem to connect.
It results in Eddie offering to sell Chrissy weed at a discount, but she wants Special K instead so the two go to his house to pick some up. The plot misdirect with their cuteness in the previous scene makes what happens next that much more tragic.
How does Chrissy die in Stranger Things season 4?
As Eddie is running around looking for the drugs Chrissy wants, he’s unaware that she’s in his living room in the throes of possession. The creature that had been haunting her earlier has her within his grasp again.
A terrifying version of her mother, which appears to be a mix of reality and horror, body shames Chrissy. She runs through her home screaming and trying to get out. But, she can’t. Instead she’s subject to seeing her family’s eyes gouged out as the situation becomes more and more unbearable until she’s backed up with nowhere to go by Vecna.
He’s come to end her suffering by taking her life, and he does so by shattering her mind and mutilating her body. Unfortunately, Eddie bears witness to this. As Chrissy is being taken over, he’s yelling at her to wake up, but it’s to no avail.
Chrissy rises into the air, her eyes are taken, and her bones are snapped. She falls to the floor like a rag doll, dead and cast aside.
Stay tuned to Hidden Remote for more Stranger Things news and coverage!
Stranger Things season 4 premiere: What happened to Chrissy?
Source: Pinoy White Knights