THE MASKED SINGER: in the ÒGroup A Semi-FinalÓ episode of THE MASKED SINGER airing Wednesday, Nov. 10 (8:00-9:00 PM ET/PT) on FOX. © 2021 FOX MEDIA LLC. CR: FOX.
Who is moving on to the Group B Finals on The Masked Singer? There’s only one way to find out! Tonight’s episode will give us not one, but two eliminations, so you won’t want to miss out. Here’s how to watch The Masked Singer tonight (November 17).
Do you know what time the episode airs or how long tonight’s The Masked Singer will be? No? We’re here to help! Below, we also remind you which masked singers are in Group B (and who was eliminated last week).
Get your detective hats on and gather all your clues to try and guess which celebrities are behind the masks tonight. The Masked Singer season 6 episode 8 gave us some great performances and two big reveals! Missed the episode? Please note spoilers are ahead!
Season 6 episode 8 unmasked the Jester and Pepper. The Jester turned out to be legendary star Johnny Rotten, while Pepper was Natasha Bedingfield. Were you surprised by these two reveals?
What time is The Masked Singer season 6 episode 9 on tonight?
The episode is titled “Group B Semi-Final” and it airs on FOX at 8 p.m. ET. The episode is scheduled to run 1 hour, so stay tuned 8-9 p.m. ET so you don’t miss a thing.
Who has been eliminated on The Masked Singer season 8 so far?
- Cupcake: Ruth Pointer
- Baby: Larry the Cable Guy
- Dalmatian: Tyga
- Pufferfish: Toni Braxton
- Mother Nature: Vivica A. Fox
- Octopus: Dwight Howard
- Hamster: Rob Schneider
- Beach Ball: Honey Boo Boo and Mama June
- Jester: Johnny Rotten
- Pepper: Natasha Bedingfield
Who is on The Masked Singer Group B?
- Banana Split
- Mallard
- Queen of Hearts
- Caterpillar
Which of these contestants do you believe will be unmasked next? Remember it’s a double elimination and the remaining masked singers will be moving on to the finals. Will you be watching the episode live as it airs on FOX or catch the clips later?
What time is The Masked Singer on tonight, November 17? How long is tonight’s episode?
Source: Pinoy White Knights