It has been so long since Barry was on our screens that I can’t even remember where season 2 leaves our favorite characters. What’s the hold up HBO? Unfortunately, Barry season 3 is not coming in February 2022 to the network. When is a new season of Barry coming out? Here’s what we know so far.
Barry has been keeping fans in the dark for a while. On one hand, who can blame it? These are tough times, I’m sure the ongoing pandemic forced production to stop and it’s been moving slowly since. But we are just about ready for at least an update. If you have never watched Barry, let me tell you, you’re missing out! To catch up, you can stream the first two seasons now on HBO and HBO Max.
Fans of actor Bill Hader were surprised to see him take on such a dark role, it’s not a character we are used to seeing him play. But after the pilot episode, we were all convinced that no one would have done a greater job! Barry simply would not work without him.
When is Barry season 3 coming out?
We still believe that the third season will premiere in early 2022, but there a few things to consider here. Just like with any show, we first get a release date announcement and maybe a short teaser trailer to build the hype. Then, after a few weeks, we get the first full-length trailer. More often than not, another full-length trailer is released. This is all done well ahead of time before the arrival. So, going by these unwritten rules, it’s highly unlikely that HBO will surprise us with a new season just like that, because nothing above has been revealed.
My best guess is that we’ll get a release date announcement in February 2022, maybe even a short teaser. Then, in March, a full-length trailer. That said, this could mean Barry season 3 is going to arrive late April or early May.
As soon as we learn more about Barry season 3, we’ll update you!
Barry season 3 is not coming to HBO in February 2022
Source: Pinoy White Knights