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Obi-Wan Kenobi episode 2 delivers the moments we all want to see

In the first episode of Obi-Wan Kenobi, we saw that the stakes were raised as Leia had been kidnapped. At the end of the episode, a reluctant Obi-Wan is convinced by the senator to help find her. Let’s dive into episode 2 and see what the series has in store for us.

The episode begins with Obi-Wan wandering around a city, trying to fit in and hunt for someone to help him. I do find it odd no one recognizes the most recognizable man on the planet. Also, someone just asked if Obi-Wan wanted some spice. Is this Dune? He runs into a little kid who tells him that he will take him to a Jedi for the right price.

We meet a mystery psychic (Kumail Nanjiani) or a make-believe one that Obi-Wan confronts after seeing him ripoff a family for a bunch of money. He forces him to help him in exchange for not outing his operation. He leads him down to the sewer, which is the first time we see Obi-Wan in battle. It’s a moment I had been waiting for for many years and it did not disappoint. However, after taking down the two men, Inquisitor’s henchman attempts to kidnap Obi-Wan, which works for about five minutes.

After breaking free, Obi-Wan finds Leia and starts to take off with her. However, the Inquisitor shows up and sees all the guys on the floor and isn’t happy. Sung Kang arrives, and he isn’t satisfied with her actions. He calls her out and lets her know her services are no longer needed and he will take in Obi-Wan himself. They put out a bounty on Obi-Wan’s head and now him and Leia getting out of the city won’t be as easy.

Obi-Wan Kenobi balances banter with action and a revelation in episode 2

As they are trying to get out of the city, Leia questions Obi-Wan about EVERYTHING. The banter here is incredible. Vivien Lyra Blair continues to delight as Leia. The two are in a safe spot until Leia sees that Obi-Wan is on the wrist of a hurt bad guy and she realizes they took her because of him, and she is off to the races because she doesn’t trust him. As she continues to run, this causes many issues, with Obi-Wan going into battle with several of the henchmen along the way.

After chasing her down, Leia falls off the roof of the building and when she is about to hit the ground, Obi-Wan uses his powers to save her and Leia then realizes that he is a Jedi. AHHHHHHHHH, internal freakout moment for me to see him use his powers. YES!!!! Sorry, I had to nerd out for a moment.

Haja (the psychic from earlier) comes to the rescue of Obi-Wan and Leia. He lets them know that he can help them get out of the city. The Inquisitor arrives to confront Haja, and she uses her powers on him to figure out where they are going. The moment occurs where she finds the duo and at this moment, the Inquisitor informs Obi-Wan that Lord Vader is alive and he is SHOOK. What a moment!

Sung Kang arrives to stop the Inquisitor from taking in Obi-Wan because he can’t risk her losing him again. But instead, Kang tells her to watch and learn. Inquisitor has heard enough, striking the lightsaber through Kang. However, while she does, Leia finds the button and the pair are on their way out of the city.

The episode comes to a close with a visibly distraught Obi-Wan who is not okay after finding out Anakin is still alive. We transition to Anakin/Vader hooked up to many machines as we hear the infamous Vader breathing the show ends.

Overall, Part Two beautifully continued to build on the strong Part One. We had several of THOSE moments that we all were hoping to see. They did a great job of continuing the story and Ewan McGregor’s acting in the final moments of this episode was INCREDIBLE. I am ready for Part Three.

Obi-Wan Kenobi Episode 2 is streaming on Disney+ today.

Obi-Wan Kenobi episode 2 delivers the moments we all want to see
Source: Pinoy White Knights

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